Our hydrodynamic cleaners use KINETIC ENERGY from jets of water with up to 3,000 bars of pressure produced by volumetric pumps.

Our hydrodynamic cleaners use KINETIC ENERGY from jets of water with up to 3,000 bars of pressure produced by volumetric pumps.
Extraction of tube bundles by using aerial extractors
Management, transportation and intermediation of waste, registration under categories 4,5 and 8 of the National Register.
Rehabilitation of tanks for the storage of chemical and oil-based products, with recovery of products and reduction of waste.
The SPOT system reduces the potential risks associated with lowering a floating roof when there are peaks in the dregs at the bottom of the tank. The action of the mixers can also be monitored by using the SPOT system on a regular basis
Chemical cleaning technology is used for descaling, pickling, rehabilitation, cleaning and passivation of metals and for treating internal and external surfaces of pipes and industrial production and processing equipment
Sandblasting of tube bundle interiors and pipes and cryogenic sandblasting.
Industrial cleaning using powerful liquid and solid vacuum cleaners.
Wet cold cutting of metals and refractories, using jets of pressurised water mixed with abrasive particles
Effegi S.r.l. guarantees maximum recovery of crude oil dregs using the BSW system